Why I Write ...

Purely as a form of expression to the emotions that run riot in my life at different junctures. This blog has seen several title revisions that also reflect the state of being and evolution I am constantly in. If one were to remain stagnant in hope of never changing their temporal present, one will awaken someday to much regret. Life is about living, evolving and adapting to the constant changes all around us.

My spot on the web is essentially a journey along with my monologue ramblings of my coherent mind accompanied by the incoherent thing called life. Read me if you like ... if you don't it is not the end of the world. I am at the very least a believer in humility lifts us further than pride.

Happy trails

13 January 2009

An Observation ... Jan 13, 2009

I note that another round of humanitarian funds for the those suffering in Gaza has been put in place. PM of Bolehland is according to our newspaper headlines with extreme clout telling the UN to intervene in this catastrophe of pain and suffering on people.

There are emails with pictures sent in frenzy by everyone wanting to be seen as a sympathiser to the Gazans plight and not be seen as supporting the Jewish state. We even have pictures showing young Israelite kids signing rockets before they are launched into Gaza.

I wonder how come we never see the ones how HAMAS also sends into Israel ... - anyhows that's not my observation.

My observation is ... Malaysia and it seems Malaysians and Malay Muslims more pertinently, seem to have a fascination to jump up to aid/shelter/marry eventually good looking Muslims. Do you remember the Bosnian exodus we had here back in the 90s? All those pretty blonde blue eyed girls with their headscraves suddenly upon our shores and how quite a few of our local boys hooked a few so that even Bosnians became 'Melayu' suddenly ...

But how is it that the Muslims dying by the thousands daily in the never ceasing ethnic wars in Africa continue to be somewhat ignored by the Malaysian public and media as a whole. Have we conscience only when there is beauty? If you're African, let the rest of the world Muslim or otherwise come to their aid ... When was the last time we went about posing with our self righteous cheques in the local media. We also made it to the media headlines ....

**sigh** perhaps I am being too harsh on these charitable souls .. and I admit, I've yet to part with any moolah as yet. Not sure if I will, I think there are things closer to home that warrant more immediate attention ... maybe I'm just not one of the pack ...


nanda666 said...

I think the issue with the Palestinians is more to do with the history of the land. It was the British that allocated the land to the Jews in the 40s and displaced them. During subsequent wars, Israel had far superior military backing that gave them further control of Palestinian land. The Arab nations (Egypt, Syria and Lebanon) did fight them but lost. (A couple of times too!!)
I guess if you were forced out of your house by some external party, you'll fire rockets too.
The issue of "muslims" here supporting the Palestians are, has you say, jumping on the bandwagon but as an unbiased bystander, the whole thing does look rather one sided.

Unknown said...

One sided - was that to my observation or to the whole shingding????

nanda666 said...

The whole thing la... Wikipedia has a good write up on Israel. Worth a look.