Why I Write ...

Purely as a form of expression to the emotions that run riot in my life at different junctures. This blog has seen several title revisions that also reflect the state of being and evolution I am constantly in. If one were to remain stagnant in hope of never changing their temporal present, one will awaken someday to much regret. Life is about living, evolving and adapting to the constant changes all around us.

My spot on the web is essentially a journey along with my monologue ramblings of my coherent mind accompanied by the incoherent thing called life. Read me if you like ... if you don't it is not the end of the world. I am at the very least a believer in humility lifts us further than pride.

Happy trails

1 March 2010

TX2 - Pledge your Support

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Our Malaysian Tiger needs your support to ensure it stays alive. Visit TX2 and pledge your support in saving these beautiful animals.

Imagine 3000 of these big cats roamed our jungles 60 years ago and today 500 are fast disappearing whilst fighting to survive!

Take a moment to watch the message video and you will understand how important it is to save our big cat - he is gorgeous and majestic!

Make a pledge to not eat, buy or sell tigers, their parts or products that claim to contain Tiger essence.